Special audits and investigations

Special audits and investigations


In addition to the classic year-end audit, several other types of audit will become necessary during the life of a business. Whatever type of audit may need to be carried out, you can be sure that we shall perform it in a goal-oriented and efficient manner.

  • Special company-law audits (for incorporations, mergers, reorganisations and divisions and remaining-asset audits)
  • Audit of reports on the application of national and european funds 
  • Audit of going-concern reports 
  • Diversity audits
  • Performance audits 
  • Audits for obtaining the Austrian donation seal of quality incl. tax relief for donations
Peter Bartos

Peter Bartos

Partner, management board, head of audit & assurance, head of industry center trade and consumer goods
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Gerhard Posautz

Gerhard Posautz

Partner, head of industry center public sector & administration, energy supply, health & social care
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Berndt Zinnöcker

Berndt Zinnöcker

Partner, head of industry center private foundations/freelancers/high-net-worth individuals, renewable energy, head of start-up
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