Public Administration

Public Administration


We advise local authorities (federal, state and local governments) as well as public companies and outsourced legal entities of all legal forms and sectors: for example universities, colleges and other public research institutions, associations, chambers as well as church corporations under public law.

We also provide advisory services to ministries, supreme federal and state authorities, whose issues require a high degree of understanding of the national and European law in a possibly international context.

Efficiency, effectiveness, thrift, transparency and proximity to citizens are the main objectives of the public administration. We therefore use ongoing monitoring of current issues at all decision-making levels.

In the application, the decisions of the responsible committees must be reconciled with the respective requirements, the budgetary restrictions and the requirements of the supervisory authorities. The challenges in the field of public-sector economic activities are equally complex; here, the legal and political framework conditions must be aligned with the business expectations.

Conceptual structuring often is a result of the tension between the mission to provide services of general interest and the need for economic action. This is where the influence of the EU's framework conditions, including the case law of the European Court of Justice, is noticeable.

Increasing requirements also arise for internal and external reporting.

Our experts have comprehensive industry expertise and hands-on experience in these key areas to provide professional, expert and tailored support.